Monday 4 February 2013


After playing with the idea of using my initials for my logo, I realised that I wanted to create myself a pseudonym. This is a name which a person or group assumes for a particular purpose and is different from their own. In my case I wanted a name which is playful and friendly that fits with my personality. As well it creates a sense of mystery into, "who are they?" and "what do they do?"

Examples of pseudonym names are: 
Jamie Foxx - Eric Marlon Bishop
Jay-Z - Shawn Corey Carter
Tiger Woods - Eldrick Tont Woods

I started to play around with the names that people knew me as, due to the fact that I wanted my pseudonym name to resemble my personality. This lead me to realise that I am still a child a heart, and thought that the use of a character within my logo could represent me. 
So as a result I experimented with names such as:
"Tommy Tibbles"
"Kid Clayton"
Clayton Junior"
"Master Clayton"

But I finally stuck with the idea of "Kid Clayton" as it has a playful and childish nature. 

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