Saturday 2 February 2013

Inspiration For Packaging

In order to tackle this brief I have researched self promotional packaging that other designers have come up with. I have particularly liked how they incorporate well known packages and made it their own through typography and colour schemes. 

For my promotional packaging I have been exploring what I feel is the right audience to target to, and what is it I want it to say.... 
I feel that as a designer I am more incline to a childish nature, by using characters and bright colours to portray my personality. 

Watch this video it's amazing: 

This book is one of my favourite pieces of pop up experimentation, as it is playful and get's the viewer involved. 
For my final piece I would like to create a similar book like this one. Instead of creating pop up alphabet letters, I would like to create a story. This would be based on my life as a designer using pop up paper experiments. 
In order to achieve this packaging idea, I will practice creating pop up scenes that could be incorporated within the story. 

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