Wednesday 6 February 2013

Final Logo Development

I chose the child drawing on the wall to be my picture aspect to my logo. But the next step is to experiment with the child's handwriting text for the typography.

While experimenting with the child's handwriting I realised that I needed to add a line representing the wall, as this gives the logo a sense of humour and being cheeky. As well the wall shows that the child is sat down which gives it perspective.

I used illustrator to add in the wall lines and shadowed effect. I found this relatively easy as I used the pen tool to create small vector lines. The next step was to add the typography, for this I used illustrator to create the children's handwriting font and used the same colour as the crayon which the child is holding. 

I am pleases with the layout of the typography, however I feel that adding joining lines from each word would give it a more childish and doodle like quality.

Final Logo Design

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