Monday 4 March 2013

Primary Research Children's Books

As well as looking at pop up greeting cards I also looked at some children's pop up books. I was looking at the type of language used which was targeted at the younger audience, the characters illustrated to make it seem child friendly and the paper engineering which creates the 3D pop ups.

The Books which I research are:

Don't Do That - Mick Inkpen
Who Sees You? In The Forest - Carla Dijs
The Three Little Pigs - Ladybird
The Pop Up Book Of Manners - Dick Dudley

I found these examples very helpful as I could see how they had used very simple pop up folds, but created this effective pop up book. As well I noticed that the authors had used very easy to read text which meant the target audience would be able to clearly read it! This is something which I want to include in my own piece.

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