Monday 4 March 2013

Final City Pages

After a long time developing the idea, I have finally finished each individual page. These pages have a different city on it and have my own illustrations of the monuments found in these cities, as well as the characters being hidden somewhere within. I have added a small story of what has happened within each page, this is so the readers will be interested and want to find the character that is lost. As well I have added a 'Characters' page which shows a picture of them and gives a brief description of who they are. This is so the audience can read it and become more interacted with the book, as they may have a favourite? 
I am very pleased with each final page as it shows a variation of areas which I enjoy about design such as: Illustration, Character creating and 3D paper engineering. 


1) Sheffield

2) London

3) Paris

4) New York

5) Sydney

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