Saturday 13 April 2013

Experimentation 1

I began to think of possible themes which could represent the track 'SUN'. I found this difficult to begin with as the song was quite random, meaning I couldn't pin down one particular idea I wanted to stick with. 

However I started to really listen to the beats in the track and putting pen mark when I heard them. From this I started to see a pattern in the diagrams I was drawing: 

I noticed that at the start of the song there was an echo effect using the word 'SUN'. So I tried to recreate this effect by using an orange circle to represent the sun and make it bigger every beat. 

Following the echo idea I thought about how the pattern I was creating looked similar to that of the solar system. How the sun could be in the middle and the sound waves could represent the rings where the planets orbit. 
I particularly like this idea and it means I can experiment using different methods such as stop motion and light exposure. 

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